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Launch of the Arkwood Foundation
31 August 2022

Launch of the Arkwood Foundation

Arkwood, a tax law firm dedicated to private clients, announces the launch of the Arkwood Foundation. Six years after its creation its lawyers have chosen to get involved by supporting public interest initiatives and youth, with a particular focus on the and youth, with a particular focus on for integration through sport, art and culture. The mission of the Arkwood Foundation, created under the aegis of the Fondation de France, is both to fund projects and to enable the firm’ volunteers to become personally involved. While the firm has committed to financially endowing the foundation on a long-term basis, any individual can make donations to the foundation. Its status as a sheltered foundation, allowing donors to allows donors to benefit from applicable tax credits.

The Executive Committee has just decided to make a first commitment to five first commitment to five associations (Article 1, Sport dans la ville, Télémaque, What dance can do ? and Petits princes).